Spoj, math: CPCRC1C - Sum of Digits
Spoj: ANARC09A - Seinfeld
Spoj, dynamic-programming: ASSIGN - Assignments
Spoj, dynamic-programming: AIBOHP - Aibohphobia
Spoj, dynamic-programming: BYTESM2 - Philosophers Stone
Dynamic-programming: Spoj DIEHARD - DIE HARD
spoj, segment tree: KGSS - Maximum Sum
spoj, segment tree: HORRIBLE - Horrible Queries
spoj, segment tree: GSS4 - Can you answer these queries IV
spoj, segment tree: GSS3 - Can you answer these queries III
spoj, segment tree: GSS1 - Can you answer these queries I
spoj, segment tree: BRCKTS - Brackets
spoj, segment tree: AKVQLD03 - How to Handle the Fans