const pointer and pointer to const in Cpp

March 6, 2017


pointer to const

const int b = 30;
const int * bptr = &b;

bptr是一个指针,它指向的是一个类型为const int的对象。可以对bptr本身的内容(保存的地址)进行修改,但是不能对它指向的对象进行修改:

const int c = 31;
bptr = &c;


有个例外:可以让pointer to const指向一个nonconst对象。

int d = 32;
bptr = &d;


// *bptr = 33; // error!


我可以指向const对象,也可以指向nonconst对象,你也可以修改我。但是,你不能修改我指向的*对象*。 — pointer to const

const pointer

int a = 3;
int * const aptr = &a;


*aptr = 4;

const reference


const int i = 42;
const int &ri = i;

例外:const reference 可以引用一个nonconst对象:

int j = 10;
const int &rj = &j;

这样做唯一的作用就是,不能够通过rj这个引用来改变j变量的值。这里和pointer to const是一样的。

但是不能让一个nonconst reference引用一个const对象:

const int k = 30;
// int &rk = &k; // error!




// 2017/03/06 08:57:48

const: const.cpp
	g++ -Wall -std=gnu++11 const.cpp -o const

#include <bits/stdc++.h>

// Pointers and const

using namespace std;

int main(int argc, char *argv[])
  // we may store the address of a const object ONLY in a pointer to const
  const double pi = 3.14;
  // double *ptr = &pi;            // error!
  const double *cptr = &pi;
  // *cptr = 10;                   // error: cannot assign to *cptr

  // But there are two exceptions to the rule that the type of a pointer
  // and the object to which it points must match:
  // 1) we can use a pointer to const to point to a nonconst object:
  double a = 2.17;
  cptr = &a;                    // we can not change a through cptr
  // pointer to const: I think I point to a const though I am not sure. T_T
  // Maybe it is nonconst. But I won't (cannot) change its value. ^_^ Besides,
  // You can change myself, but you can not change the OBJECT I point to.

  int b = 0;
  int *const bptr = &b;         // bptr will ALWAYS point to b
  // but you can change the object it points if that is not a const object:
  *bptr = 1;

  const double * const ppi = &pi; // ppi is a const pointer to const object

  // //////////////////////////////
  // References
  const int c = 8;
  const int & cc = c;
  // int & c1 = c;                 // error! we cannot assign directly to c,
  // we also should not be able to use a reference to change c.

  // But there is an exception: a reference to const may refer to an object
  // that is not const
  int i = 42;
  const int &r1 = i;
  int &r2 = i;
  r2 = 43;
  // r1 = 44;                      // error: can not change i through r1

  // c++ programmers tend to abbreviate `reference to const` as `const reference`. There are non const references. A reference is not an object, so we cannot make a reference itself const. Because there is no way to make a reference refer to a different object, in some sense all references are const.

  return 0;
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